Ode to the Veterinary Clients who Bring Joy

As with any job working with the public, there are clients who are extremely wonderful and there are clients who make things slightly difficult.  Thankfully, the positive ones greatly outweigh the negative ones at my job.  Let’s celebrate those positive ones!

Ode to the Veterinary Clients Who Bring Joy

To the client who asks me my opinion on a food or supplement before believing Facebook, thank you for valuing my years of research and study over marketing.

To the client who patiently waits for me to see their pet while I finish up an unplanned euthanasia, thank you for your kindness to my other client’s needs and to my emotional wellness.  Your lack of complaining eases my stress and allows me to switch gears and focus on your pet.

To the client who pays their bill, thank for understanding that we do love animals and with that comes a small business that must make money in order to keep the lights on and allow our staff to feed their families.

To the client who asks me how I am doing, thank you for your kindness.  I greatly enjoy getting to know my clients and when we can share a little of our lives together, I think it helps deepen that professional bond.

To the client I end up calling back at 8pm, thank you for your patience and for acknowledging that I must have had a busy day and you will keep it short.

To the client who brings us chocolate and other various things that they know my staff and I enjoy, thank you!   Enough said!

To the client who researches what we talked about in the exam room then calls to discuss it, thank you for wanting to do the best job you can for your pet who is going through this certain disease process.  I love collaborating with you and walking you through the tips and tricks you may find that could certainly be new to me and help your pet.

To the client whose dog I helped in hospice care died suddenly at home, thank you for your hug and even though my grief is nowhere near what you are experiencing, thank you for acknowledging it.

To the clients who show me cute pictures of their pets doing silly things, thank you for being a bright light in my day and bringing me laughter.

To the clients who let me parade around the clinic their cute new puppy or kitten so all staff can meet him/her, thank you for bringing instant happiness into our day.

To the clients who adore their animals and trust me with their care, thank you for giving me the honor of being your veterinarian.  I truly would not be able to do this without you!


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