Do you really trust your pilot?

Storm tracker from our flight thanks to Mom!
my attempt at capturing some of the lightning from the plane


I just returned home 2 days ago from a vacation in Arizona with my husband.  On our return flight to Chicago, the pilot came over the loud speaker to announce a pretty significant storm that seemed to just pop out of nowhere.  It ran in a straight line across the entire United States and our options were to either fly north towards Minnesota or south towards Texas to go around it.   He chose Texas and explained this would set our arrival time back, but that it was the only option since the storm was “impenetrable”.   With a voice radiating pure excitement coupled with a steady calmness, He then told us to look outside the right side of the plane to see the magnificence and beauty of the storm.  He spoke in a way that you could tell he really admired and respected the storm.

The lightning was illuminating the surrounding clouds at a speed of 1 strike per second as it seemed to dance along the night’s sky.  It was breathtaking.  Then I found myself in this sudden dilemma, should I be scared or is everything truly going to be ok?

I turned to God, “Are we going to be ok?”  I felt Him reassure me that all was well and to trust the pilot.

You see, when you are in an airplane, do you really have a choice not to trust the pilot?  Flying is one of the most trusting things we do as humans.  We allow a couple people to literally control our safety as they take us 40,000 feet up into the air, making decisions as they see fit that determine our outcomes.  You have no choice but to sit there and follow whatever direction the pilot wants to take and there is no bailing out.

What if we applied this concept to our lives with God?  When things get tough and God takes you in another direction, what if you went along for the ride instead of putting up a fight for control or just refusing all together and choosing to bail.  I am convinced that many people miss the beauty God has in store for them because they bail out during the storm.  They don’t keep going or follow God in another direction, they just head back to their departure terminal and never reach arrival.  Trust me, I’ve definitely been one who sits reluctantly at the departure gate not even wanting to get on that God driven plane ride.  But something so peaceful happens when you fully grasp what God said through Isaiah in chapter 43 verses 1-3:

“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.  When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.  When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned, the flames will not set you ablaze.  For I am the Lord your God.”

The same God who is control of the waters and flames is still in control during the storms of our lives.  He will guide your path and will not forsake you.  And in the process, you will experience Him with more beauty and wonder than you ever thought possible.